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Submitted by MarcusDodson on Thu, 2023-06-01 10:06
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 05:00am to Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 07:00am

Ghost Army

Club Receives Private Tour of Special WWII Exhibit at Nevada Museum of Art

by Marcus Dodson, Newsletter Editor


In late May, 24 members of the Sierra Nevada Section of the Mercedes®-Benz Club of America met in Downtown Reno for a private tour of a new exhibit at the Nevada Museum of Art.  Ghost Army: The Combat Con Artists of World War II is a temporary exhibit that tells the unique story of 82 officers and 1,023 men who deceived, sketched, and painted across Europe to manipulate Hitler’s armies during World War II.  Gail and Vencil Wells hosted this fun event, which included lunch in the museum’s cafe.

         The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the Ghost Army, was the first mobile, multimedia, tactical deception unit in United States Army history.  Under the command of Colonel Harry L. Reeder, this top-secret unit was capable of simulating two whole divisions, equating to 30,000 troops, which helped to deceive and confuse German forces during the final year of World War II.

         The unit was comprised of artists, engineers, and soldiers who used visual, sonic, and radio deception techniques to fool the Germans.  They used inflatable tanks and vehicles, created fake radio traffic and sound effects, and even fabricated phony Army personnel.  Armed with nothing heavier than .50-caliber machine guns, the Ghost Army took part in 22 large-scale deception missions in Europe, ranging from Normandy to the Rhine River. 

         “The exhibition reveals an important aspect of the history of World War II, and showcases the creativity, ingenuity, and bravery of these soldiers who will inspire museum guests of all ages,” said Nevada Museum of Art CEO, David B. Walker. 

         The exhibit is produced by The National World War II Museum in New Orleans, and displays archival photography, historical artifacts, uniforms, sketches, and life-sized recreations of inflatable military equipment used by the Ghost Army.  Curated and donated to The World War II Museum by the Ghost Army Legacy Project, the exhibit made its debut in New Orleans in March 2020 and has been on a national tour to share the incredible story of the Ghost Army.

         “Ghost Army explores the bravery, heroics, and tactical brilliance of a first-of-its-kind military unit,” said Erin Clancey, Associate Vice President of Collection and Exhibits at The National World War II Museum.  “Although their efforts were classified for over 50 years, the deceptive and groundbreaking strategies used on the battlefield saved lives and played a significant role in Allied victory.  The National World War II Museum is proud to highlight their vital contributions that went unrecognized following the war.”

         After the private tour, club members enjoyed lunch at the museum’s cafe.  The cafe has delightful offerings from Chef Colin Smith of Roundabout, including snacks and sandwiches, as well as coffee and cocktails.  Standout choices included the Italian sub sandwich, turkey cranberry sandwich, and sweet potato wrap.  Salad and soup options were available, too, as well as pastries and cookies.  Coffees, cappuccinos, and lattes were served, which helped the group perk up after the morning tour, and others enjoyed glasses of wine, assorted beers, and other spirited drinks.