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Submitted by MarcusDodson on Thu, 2023-05-11 01:05
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2023 - 11:30am to Tuesday, Apr 11, 2023 - 01:30pm

Family-Style Feast at Beloved Restaurant in Gardnervillle

by Marcus Dodson, Newsletter Editor


For April’s Tuesday Dinner, Linda and Rick Iknoian brought the Sierra Nevada Section of the Mercedes®-Benz Club of America back to J.T. Basque Bar and Dining room in Gardnerville.  Much like last year’s trek out to this community staple, this April pre-paid dinner included 28 members of the club who all enjoyed a family-style meal together.  J.T. Basque has been voted as the best Basque restaurant in the Carson Valley for more than a decade running, and it is a favorite spot amongst locals. 

         J.T. Basque Bar and Dining Room is a Nevada icon, with roots in Gardnerville extending back more than 50 years.  The Lekumberry family immigrated to the area from the Basque Pyréneées in France, purchased the former historic hotel and dining hall, and reimagined it as the restaurant it is to this day. 

         Before the dinner started, club members gathered in the bar to enjoy various refreshments.  The bar was quite crowded, a testament to how popular the restaurant is amongst locals and visitors.  Many guests enjoyed the Picon punch, a traditional Basque cocktail made with Amer Picon, soda water, grenadine, lemon, and brandy.  Picons may have been the drink of the night, but people also enjoyed Manhattans, wine, and a few diet Cokes. 

         J.T. Basque served up its well-known traditional plates, which included a choice of top sirloin steak, spaghetti and meatballs, Basque chicken, sweetbreads, pig’s feet with tripe, and lamb chops.  The family-style dinner included soup, salad, stew, beans, and French fries for everyone to enjoy.  The large group was situated at a massive, long table in a separate dining room.  A dedicated waitress continuously brought out large plates of food while simultaneously refilling water glasses and taking cocktail, wine, and beer orders.  After the main courses were enjoyed, everyone was given a small bowl of vanilla ice cream to round out the delicious dinner. 

         The popular topic of the evening was simply how much everyone was enjoying the warmer weather.  Pretty much every club member commiserated over the never-ending winter and welcomed the rising temperatures with open arms.  The club stayed late into the evening and many guests traveled back into town in the dark.  J.T. Basque lured members from all over the area, from Lake Tahoe all the way to Antelope Valley.